When I was a kid I loved flip books. The kind where a character was divided up into three parts and they were interchangeable. Jaylene came home the other day and showed me something similar, only she had made it from only one piece of paper.

This is the paper unfolded.

one page flip book

It’s been folded into four vertically, and into three horizontally. The middle two lines have been sliced only in the middle. To fold it up into a book, fold the middle two girls together (back to back). and then put the girls face to face. It should look something like this when opened up to the first page.

one page flip book folded

Now you should be able to flip the three sections back and forth to create your fashion divas.

It’s helpful if you fold the book and then draw because you’ll be able to match up the width of the necks and the bodies.

I think it would be fun to make a bunch of these books. One with robots, one with monsters, one with animals… do you have any other ideas?