Summer here in Taiwan is most definitely hot, which happened to be this week’s Unplug your kids theme.  We found a hot scene (July 3rd’s decopage) from the goodies that Agence eureka generously provides on her blog. Jaylene cut out the background and the parts and we taped it all together to create a diorama.

A hot place

Then we went ahead and made our own diorama of a hot scene using Jaylene’s drawings.
Finished Diorama

Want to make your own? It’s easy and here’s how you do it.

Paper (we used copy paper but cardstock would make it sturdier) used to make a background drawing and elements for the 3D part.
Scissors and a craft knife (only let the older kids or adults use it please!)

Step 1: Create the background.
Step  1 Background
Keep in mind that the first two or three inches will be folded down to be the ground. Jaylene used hers to be a strawberry patch.

Step 2: Cut out the elements
Step 2 Tabs and Slots
Don’t forget to give each element a tab at the bottom when you’re cutting them out. Vary the size and width of the elements to create visual interest.

Step 3: Tape the tabs
Step 3 Taping the Tabs
Decide where you want to place the tabs and use the craft knife to cut a slot a tiny bit longer than the tab on the element. If you were going to give this as a gift and have the recipient put the diorama together, then number the tabs and the slots so they can match them up easily.

That’s it!  I told you it was super easy.  And here’s a close up of Jaylene’s finished creation:

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